Diploma Courses
Home Maid Course
Bir Tikendrajit University


( Bir Tikendrajith University )

Housekeeping courses provide both theory and hands-on training in different aspects of maintaining a clean and comfortable environment. These aspects include everything needed to keep the place where a person works clean and cosy. To get into this course, students are chosen based on their academic performance and sometimes through an entrance test. Some institutions might also conduct an interview before admitting students.The main subjects covered in a housekeeping course include Housekeeping Procedures, Lighting and Color Coordination, Arranging Room Layouts, Hotel Management, and the Science of Cleaning.


  • Domestic Skills Mastery : Equip participants with essential domestic skills, including cleaning, organizing, laundry, and basic home maintenance, enabling them to effectively manage household tasks.
  • Time Management : Teach effective time management techniques to balance various household responsibilities, ensuring a smooth and efficient daily routine.
  • Hospitality and Guest Management: Train participants in providing a welcoming and hospitable environment for guests, including meal preparation, etiquette, and gracious hosting.
  • Personal Development: Enhance participants' confidence and self-reliance by empowering them with the ability to efficiently handle domestic responsibilities, contributing to their personal growth and sense of accomplishment.

About The University

Bir Tikendrajit University is one of the top institutions located in India and was established in the year 2020. Bir Tikendrajit University is a leading educational establishment in India. It also ranks 501 in the World QS status. Numerous universities located in West Bengal have now affiliated with Bir Tikendrajit University.